5 People You See at Comic Con

So Taylor, Mr T and I went to a local Comic Con yesterday. It was the first time the event had been run, and though I feel the organisers have a lot to learn from it, it was a wonderful event and we had a really great time.

Ahead of some proper coverage of the event, here are 5 types of people you see at Comic Con.


1. The Try-Hard Cosplayers

Don’t get me wrong, these guys look amazing. They put the rest of us amateurs to shame. They spend the entirety of their time at the event taking photos with other people who look at their outfits and can’t help but admire the beauty.

I’m not even sure who this guy is – I think he’s someone from a video game – but his armour made Taylor and I salivate. If it was homemade he must be semi-professional, or know some semi-professionals, because it was just gorgeous.

P11402582. The Guys in Outfits that Look a Bit Sweaty

There were several people in outfits that, while undoubtably fabulous, were not well thought out. The venue was warm – very, very warm. Taylor and I were sweating pretty badly with just a couple of layers of leatherette on. These guys with their face masks and full body outfits must have been sweltering. I’m surprised they weren’t passing out all over the place.

3P1140259. The Guys With Epic Homemade Outfits

These two had made their costumes completely from scratch, and you could tell. Which is not to say that they didn’t look incredible, because they did. They looked all the more incredible because you could see the effort and the love that had gone into it. And they were really good sports too, posing with us like their characters.

P11402604. That One Guy With The Really Obscure (But Awesome) Outfit

Bad photo because I only saw this one when he (or she) went up on stage for the Cosplay Competition. I knew they wouldn’t win, but I wanted them to – talk about original, and hilarious. If you know what it’s referencing, which, despite the popularity of Welcome to Night Vale, it was clear most people in the room didn’t.

P11402635. Anime Cosplayers/That One Guy With The Outfit They REALLY Didn’t Think Through

Not necessarily always grouped, but they were in this guy. I have no idea who he was (I think it was a he, anyway, again it was from a distance, and this photo is terrible because of that) because I’m not much of an Anime fan, but he spent the entire day wearing that… gourd, thing on his back. The place was extremely crowded, and it was difficult to get around just carrying your shopping bags. I can’t even imagine what it was like trying to navigate while carrying that!

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