
Thank you for visiting my blog. You may have noticed that not much has been going on around here lately.

I’ve decided that I’m having an official hiatus on the blog for the time being. I want to concentrate on my book writing, which means dedicating as much writing time as possible to my fiction. I love the blog, but it eats in to that time, and I want to use what time and brainpower I have to further my publishing endeavours.

If you’re interested in my books, you can find more information here. If you have anything you’d like to contact me about, my contact information is in the About page. I won’t be accepting reviews or guest posts, but I’m still around if you want to say hello.

I don’t know how long this hiatus will be – perhaps a few months, perhaps indefinite. It will depend on where the publishing takes me. But for now, there won’t be anything posting here for at least a few months.

Thank you for all the visits/comments/guest posts over the years – maybe see you again soon!

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