5 Sides to Every Author by Kelly Hashway

This week Kelly Hashway is sharing her 5 things with us. She is the author of the Monster Within Series and also writes as Ashelyn Drake and is talking to us today about the different sides to every author – something I can totally relate to 🙂 Check out her website here for more info on Kelly and her books.

5 Sides to Every Author by Kelly Hashway

If you’re like me, you tend to think of your favorite author as this untouchable super hero who has the ability to tell great stories that no one else can. He or she plugs away at the computer all day, putting out those books we love so much. But really, all authors are complex people. And we are all more than just authors. So today I’m sharing the 5 sides of Kelly Hashway.

1. Mom: I’m a mom first. My daughter is my world, my reason for living and my greatest inspiration. She’s my best buddy. The one who makes me laugh so hard I cry and the one I spend most of my time with.

2. Author: I actually write everything from picture books to middle grade to young adult to new adult. What can I say? I love writing. I also write under two names: Kelly Hashway and Ashelyn Drake. Kelly is the speculative fiction author, while Ashelyn is the romance author.

3. Editor: I’m a freelance editor for my own clients and I’m an acquisitions editor for Leap Books Seek. It’s unusual for me to not be editing something.

4. Former teacher: I actually went to school to be an English teacher, and I taught middle school language arts for seven years before I had my daughter and decided to pursue my dream of being a writer. The English teacher in me thrives on learning and loves editing, whether it be with colored pens or track changes in Word.

5. Sixteen-year-old trapped in a… (You didn’t think I was going to admit my age, did you?) In high school, my nickname was Pete for Peter Pan. Ignore the fact that it’s a boy’s name. I was given the name by my tennis team because they claimed I could fly on the court since I ran down so many balls. But I think the name still applies because I suffer from Peter Pan Syndrome. I refuse to grow up. At least mentally. In so many ways I still feel like my sixteen-year-old self. I think that’s why YA holds such a special place in my heart.

So there you have the 5 sides of Kelly Hashway. I think all writers have five sides—at least.

Thanks again to Kelly! Be sure to visit her website here or her Amazon Author Page. Want to do your own ‘5 Things’ guest post? Message me on twitter @libertyfallsdwn or email me at libertfallsdown@hotmail.co.uk!
